Joanne Della Bonna
Joanne Della Bona is a Noongar woman from Whadjuk and Balardong country, Western Australia, and has been working in Aboriginal services for over 30 years.
Joanne is passionate about early childhood education for Aboriginal children, empowering Aboriginal families, trauma informed approaches to service delivery, and cultural healing programs in the community.
Joanne is currently the Executive Director of Coolabaroo Services, which is inclusive of Coolabaroo Neighbourhood Centre (Multifunctional Aboriginal Children’s Service) and Coolabaroo Housing Service (Transitional Housing Service). She has also been a trustee on the Wongatha People’s Education and Recreation Trust for fifteen years.
Joanne has been the Director of Coolabaroo Neighbourhood Centre – Multifunctional Aboriginal Children’s Services for fourteen years, has been Acting CEO for Beananing Kwuurt Institute, has worked as a consultant, and holds a Bachelor of Arts (Education).
Joanne has also supported the community through voluntary work and serving on several boards, including Noongar Radio, Aboriginal Family Law Service, Moorditch Gurlongga Association and SNAICC- National Voice of Our Children.