
The Noongar Family Safety and Wellbeing Council (NFSWC) is an umbrella body, which aims to provide increased capacity for its member grouping, to present and deliver better coordinated and sustainable service regimes and to influence government service providers at the policy and strategic determination levels.

Each member agency will continue to independently preside over their own programs and services, in a manner appropriate to their individual corporate goals and responsibilities and as members of NFSWC will occupy ground, which will allow them to be more strategic and proactive in their dealings with the community and government in relation to family safety and wellbeing with the priority being the care and protection of Aboriginal children in Noongar Country.

Our Purpose

The Noongar Family Safety and Wellbeing Council Inc. is established to be a charity whose purpose is to advance:

  • health and wellbeing;
  • social welfare;
  • culture;
  • reconciliation, mutual respect and tolerance amongst Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people;
  • promotion and protection human rights; and
  • promotion of change to policy and law regarding child protection.

These purposes will be advanced by:

  • Providing a strong voice for Noongar children and families to promote human rights, self-determination and cultural healing;
  • Providing leadership in preventing Aboriginal children and youth being removed from family;
  • Promoting policy, legislation, framework and program development consistent with cultural safety and human rights;
  • Supporting and strengthening Noongar people’s rights to cultural safety and equitable partnerships in all aspects of Government engagement and service delivery;
  • Assisting Aboriginal community and member organisations to engage in capacity building in relation to family safety and well-being;
  • Supporting members to provide early intervention, family support and residential care for Noongar children; and
  • Engaging in research that is at the forefront and embodies Noongar Kaatijin family safety and wellbeing.

Why join us?

  • Your voice matters. If you have something to say about Aboriginal Families, children and their rights, you are not alone. Our collective voice can and will make a difference.
  • We want to work in partnership to reduce the rate of Aboriginal children and young people in care, recognise and support strong Aboriginal families, and ensure culture is embedded in everything we do.