Our Vision
We are committed to a future for our people where Aboriginal children and families are healthy, strong, and empowered. Our right to self-determination, culture and identity, are respected and upheld.
We recognise that a holistic approach to healing, autonomy, and Aboriginal leadership is urgently required, and we are committed to working in partnerships to achieve this.
We seek to provide a strong regional voice for our children and families on Noongar Country by engaging, influencing and contributing to child protection policies, legislation and programs that affect Aboriginal children and families.
Our Values
- Cultural healing protocols and laws are respected and upheld in all aspects of the Council’s work
- We hold and promote high standards of excellence from the Council, their members, and in all our work
- We advocate for self-determination and empowerment of Aboriginal people, their families and communities
- We are committed to human rights principles in all of our practices
- All of our work is underpinned by acts of courage, compassion, and nurturing
- We take a family and child centered approach in all of our work
- The Council is committed to nonviolence and peacefulness which will build respect and safety in the community